Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Brunch: After St. Patty's Day

Wanting to feel somewhat healthy after destroying my already-failing liver during St. Patrick's Day, I decided to make a breakfast quiche.

When I first considered becoming vegan, I wept at the thought of giving up eggs. I loved fried eggs, poached eggs, quiches, frittatas; my philosophy on food was "put an egg on it!" Then I discovered the secret of using tofu as an egg substitute in such dishes. Don't wrinkle your nose at me.

I decided to give it a shot.

BAM. Food porn. You didn't think vegans were allowed to have food porn, did you? Given it's not the greatest porn shot (I'm an amateur, alright?), but still; it's pretty damn sexy.

This recipe required a bit more time than a regular quiche, but it was worth it. It also passed the Russell test, who claimed it was pretty damn near similar to an eggy dish. I cut time by using a bulgur crust, but perhaps I'll try a flour crust when I have more patience.

Green Quiche: for Curing Post-St. Patty's Celebrations

2 cups water
1 cup bulgur

1 pound/block soft tofu
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp dijon mustard
1/4 tsp tumeric
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
1/3 cup pesto (I made a kale & walnut pesto, posting the recipe soon)

You're an adult, you can choose your own veggies (I sauteéd garlic, broccoli florets, spinach, oregano, and added in roasted red peppers).

Preheat oven to 375°F. Add bulgur to boiling water, cover and allow to simmer for 15 minutes (until no water remains). Press bulgur into pie dish, bake for 15 minutes, until bulgur feels firm to the touch. Remove from oven.

While the bulgur is cooking, make your filling! Blend tofu in food processor, adding in soy sauce, mustard, and nutritional yeast halfway through. Blend until smooth, scrape into medium sized bowl. Fold in pesto.

Prep and cook your veggies. Fold them into the tofu-pesto mixture; add salt and pepper to taste.

Transfer tofu-pesto-veggie goodness into bulgur crust, making sure veggies are evenly spread out. Bake for 20 minutes, until firm and lightly brown on top. Let cool for a few minutes, then slice and serve.

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